verb conjugations and all that memorizing jazz. Blahhh.
the world AND IF YOU'RE COMING TO HETALIA DAY AT THE SEATTLE CENTRE PLEASE TELL ME. Comment anywhere - LJ, FB, DA, here. I just need a list.
going to go through the Kink Meme again and make a master list of all my favorite fanfics on there. And from the Slash Communities.
very bored and tired after studying French. I wanna dooo something. ;n;
a renewed love for Twitter, which has greatly cheered me up after crying over character montage... -s, 's, whichever.
sobbing tears of sadness after rewatching the Criminal Minds episode where JJ gets kicked off. OHMYGAWDWHATDIDYOUDO. ;m;
frustrated. Yes, family, I am annoying. But you know what, the rest of you are just as bad, so stfu. Rawrz. *head/desk*
this French thing is pretty awesome. So, now to actually take time and study it... [dearmemorypleasework]
be doing Gakuen tomorrow. Because omg, THERE'S GONNA BE A TEACHER!ENGLAND. FUCK YES. <3
vibrating slippers. Lulz. | D