4Friends 0Fans
female Tangerang, Indonesia
I love music very much . Any kind of it like pop , rock , jazz , and the others . Just like you , I also hate and love people . Be my friend and fans , and you won't be disappointed ! If you wanna know me more , follow my twitter PriskaElse , just l
PriskaElse says
13 years ago
idih !!!!!!!! lu bacot amat sih ! gue cekek juga lu
PriskaElse says
13 years ago
masabodo lah mau telat mau kagak -__-
PriskaElse says
13 years ago
baru nyampe aja harus pergi lagi -___- dammit
PriskaElse is
13 years ago
tau ah sepi -__-
PriskaElse is
13 years ago
waiting for a boy that says : 'any kind of guy you want , girl , that's the guy I'll be . Turn myself upside down' :-P
PriskaElse says
13 years ago
damn it lah ! lu giliran ngeliat gue followingnya lebih dikit daripada followersnya langsung ngikutin . Fuck !! X-(
PriskaElse says
13 years ago
#thereisalwaysthat1person who writes about Kpop
PriskaElse says
13 years ago
Halo ! selamat pagi hampir siang (LOL)
PriskaElse says
13 years ago
gotta go right now ! bye ! :-P
PriskaElse says
13 years ago
oh God , the noodle looks terrible ! there's much chili :-o