536Friends 77Fans
female Kansas City, MO, United States
Teacher for 29 yrs. 22 yrs in gifted ed. in a K-2 g/t pull-out program. Seeking new technology to bring to my students in creative, useful, safe ways. I don't want them to be limited by the words primary students.
Prisage says
11 years ago 2
good night Plurkville!
Prisage asks
11 years ago 11
Please help my students win the first prize of $50,000 for STEM resources (my only shot at a one to one classroom! LOL)
Prisage asks
11 years ago 8
you to help my students win $50,000.00 for STEM resources and to have our exhibit built at Science City in KC. You can vote at:
Prisage says
11 years ago 2
Good morning Plurkville! I hope your world is good!
Prisage asks
11 years ago 2
is there a slide show tool that easily allows you to add multiple audio files (I want to put student audio files over photographs of their work.) I know iMovie, but not easy or fast.
Prisage shares
11 years ago 3
Schoology vs. Edmodo, Round 2 - Also, why Schoology solved my iPad workflow woes Teaching like it's 2999
Prisage shares
11 years ago 8
loving another snow day to catch up on my blogging. I am using -formerly Wallwisher for the first time on the blog and my kids love it. Thank you to whoever shared it months ago when I bookmarked it
Prisage says
12 years ago 17
hello Plurkers. I have to turn off the TV for a while for my own mental health. Streaming news is just too much. I am hoping you are all able to find moments of Christmas joy today.
Prisage hopes
12 years ago 8
God gives strength and solace to the family, friends and educators of the victims. I pray for the innocent. (cozy)
Prisage asks
12 years ago 6
I came across a Blogger, blog today and the layout and format were different than anything I have seen. What is this and how did he do it?