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female New York, United States
Hi! I'm sort of a veteran from forum RPs (since around 2017, so four years or so) Multifandom is my wheelhouse and I'm always looking to join something new! I'm emotionally unstable sometimes but am overall friendly and agreeable.

1 years ago
I reemerge
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
Ok so...whichever dickhead changed my school computer login password has ALSO managed to change the passwords to my school email, my school Blackboard password, AND managed to disable my recovery email.

How bored does a one have to be to completely lock ONE student out of the system? Is this meant to teach me a lesson about password recycling?
2 years ago
I was told that on Dreamwidth, you can use your email account to have as many sub-accounts as you need. It's the same idea with Plurk, right?
2 years ago
okay when I find out which motherfucker changed my college computer login, that motherfucker is getting cut open.
2 years ago
TFW you joined Storyteller's Circle only to discover that people from the nastiest drama you ever perpetuated are ALSO prominent members.

All I need is to run into an RpNation staff member, huh?
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
Well, it took me a billion tries, but I got her. My collab set is complete, and all is right with the world.
2 years ago
Dungeon Dogs changed their thumbnail so now it doesn't match with Castle Cats. Why must you hurt my soul like this, Pocapp?! WHYYYYYYYYYYY?!

2 years ago
You know what I think the worst part of being old is? It seems you just perpetually have a scorpion, beetle, or some other kind of really uncomfortable creature up your ass.

Take my dad. He's 65 years old and has been in a cycle of randomly having a bad mood, waiting for me to annoy him, and then unloading his bad mood onto me until I'm in a bad mood, too.
2 years ago
I started PokeMMO. Charmander is very popular. My new Bulbasaur and I feel very threatened. https://images.plurk.com/7H0nWhpp98s97nJg0cu7RI.jpg
2 years ago
The fact that there STILL isn't a reliable YouTube playlist downloader is strongly upsetting.