79Friends 83Fans
male Laguna Beach, CA, United States
I am Sr. Software Designer working in Windows and OS X environments, specializing Systems and Applications Engineering.
PooPsTech says
11 years ago 2
Apple's Tim Cook is tightening his chock Hold on Apple by getting rid of any reminences of Steve Jobs, since he will never be Steve Jobs!
PooPsTech says
11 years ago
Mr. Cook you might be Apple's CEO - but you are not Apple. Only Steve Jobs had that previllage! Hope you won't break Apple.
PooPsTech says
11 years ago
Apple's Jony Ive is a great Industrial Designer, but he has no background for Human Interfaces. Why would Cook assign him to that position?
PooPsTech says
11 years ago
Will Tim Cook Drive Apple to ground like all the other Apple CEOs did? Letting Forstall go is a huge mistake & beginning of the End?
PooPsTech says
11 years ago
2 Apple Executives are laving Apple, Is something wrong at Apple? "RATS" jumping sinking ship? But Apple is in great shap! What Gives? lOlz
PooPsTech says
11 years ago
Just got my new Core i7 bases Mac mini! Thanx Apple!
PooPsTech says
11 years ago
Apple Just Delivered my New i7 bases Mac mini. Nice!
PooPsTech says
11 years ago
This is not working!
PooPsTech says
11 years ago
Windows 8 Release Conference just started:
PooPsTech says
11 years ago
A question: Is Suckerberg (AKA Zukerberg) the Anti Christ descnted on Earth, facilitating the "End of Days"? End of world by Suckerberg?