9Friends 17Fans
male Baldwin Park, CA, United States
Ambassador of Taiwan Tea
3rd Generation Tea Specialist.
Cal Licensed Tea Processor.
Tea Projects & Events Organizer.

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PonFonCha 分享
15 years ago
自由電子報 - 楊吉雄遭鍘 支持者攜禮抗議What a big joke! Take it normal and can stand this party, that is even a biiger joke!
PonFonCha 分享
15 years ago
自由電子報 - 庶民經濟大騙局Ma lies, Taiwanese dies...
PonFonCha 分享
15 years ago
Leaving for the speech of 李遠哲博士 at Taiwan Center's funds raising party...
PonFonCha 分享
15 years ago
自由電子報 - 不辦貓纜辦議員It is up to KMT to deccide what cases the DA will work on or postpone...
PonFonCha 分享
15 years ago
Do you agree her? www.taiwandaily.net/gp2....