161Friends 221Fans
female Kansas City, MO, United States
Knihilistic knitter, crafter, blogger, baker, laugher.
Advertising czarina.
Married, with two crazy black labs.
PlazaJen says
12 years ago 1
Oh how the time flies... at least it's Saturday! Enjoy!
PlazaJen says
12 years ago
ok, this week's L&O SVU is making me cry! Emotional, much???!!!
PlazaJen says
12 years ago 4
here we are again, Monday. Prepare for battle! :charges forward:
PlazaJen is
12 years ago 1
losing the battle against the Nap Monster... apparently errands can wait until!
PlazaJen says
12 years ago 6
T! G! I! F! May it be an enjoyable Friday!
PlazaJen says
12 years ago 1
Just finished a great client meeting and I am ready for the weekend!
PlazaJen hates
13 years ago 3
bad dreams. Woke up in a start and couldn't fall back to sleep - dreamed we drove off a cliff!
PlazaJen thinks
13 years ago 5
she needs a spa day soon....
PlazaJen says
13 years ago 3
What a lovely afternoon, yesterday! Knitting with theknittingpatch, showmeyourknits, Kathy & Ellen! Today is rainy & I'm doing taxes. Boo!
PlazaJen says
13 years ago 5
still sick. Heading to doctor. Tired of coughing. :-(