132Friends 23Fans
female Fredericksburg, VA, United States
Wife, mom, professional...
Pictures, gym, hiking, knitting, spinning, sewing, reading, movies, TV, Podcast...
Facebook, Blog, Plurk, Pinterest and Twitter...
Blog: myordinaryjourney.com
Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PixeKnits
9 years ago 6
Morning. So everything is CANCELED, now I'm waiting around for this "snow" that was supposed to have started already...
9 years ago
I'm pretty sure I'm tired...
9 years ago 7
I was wondering if folks still used Plurk... I haven't been on in forever.
PixeKnits says
10 years ago
Ok, I went from possibly not having any iTunes feeds to having 2... I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried. There is a Knitting Game going on so please VOTE!
PixeKnits says
10 years ago 3
So I haven't been on Purk in like forever, but I wanted to let everyone know that if you watch The Knitting Game and Other stuff on iTunes, you may have to search for it again. The Knitting Game and Other Stuff
PixeKnits says
10 years ago
Episode 87 is up... happy new year
PixeKnits says
10 years ago 3
Hey what's happening?
PixeKnits says
10 years ago
I need some test knitters for my Rings of Love Gloves. Please PM me on Ravelry if you would like to try it. Thanks...
PixeKnits says
10 years ago
Episode 85 is ready
PixeKnits says
11 years ago
I feel like sharing today... I went out to lunch with DH and one of his coworkers today... on the way home I got a White Chocolate Mocha from McDonald's... 30 min later it's still too hot to drink...