47Friends 117Fans
female Brighton, Great Britain (UK)
Grumpy, knitting and spinning obsessed slighly mad with 1 kid and way too many pets. I am Loobles on Ravelry and Lainch on Knitty.

blog at htpp://
Peril is
13 years ago
tired of the snow. All the news is snow. Snow, snow and more snow....I long for rain.
Peril is
13 years ago 2
awake but kind of grumpy.....I am so not a morning person.
Peril is
13 years ago 1
completely over tired with no idea as to why?
Peril is
14 years ago 3
trying very hard to remember to plurk at least everyday - I have no karma.....whoops!
Peril is
14 years ago 4
whooops plurkrupt.
Peril is
14 years ago 1
a bad plurker - whoops there went my karma! ;-)
Peril has
14 years ago 1
forgotten all about plurking for goodness knows how long....again....whoops :-(
Peril has
14 years ago 4
forgotten to plurk for days brain is AWOL (blush)
Peril is
14 years ago 1
back from a long muddy walk across the downs with terrible terrier twosome.
Peril is
14 years ago 3
doing the happy holiday dance. Her DH is off for the next 10 days (dance)