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male United States
Pathmaker wishes
13 years ago
One of the basic principles to grasp in regard to effective internet marketing is the concept of targeting keywords.
Pathmaker says
13 years ago
Keyword research is needed to find out which keywords should be targeted in an SEO campaign.
Pathmaker thinks
13 years ago
This website is a good source of info on targeting keywords!
Pathmaker hopes
14 years ago
Receive the eNewsletter from Pathmaker Marketing for free!!!
Pathmaker thinks
14 years ago
If you are not on the first or second page of search results, it is almost like not being there at all.
Pathmaker has
14 years ago
have you taken advantage of the use of the ALT for your targeting keywords?
Pathmaker will
14 years ago
Twitter has a great potential to be used as a marketing tool to promote your business.
Pathmaker says
14 years ago
Always use descriptive <ALT> tags preferably using your strategic targeting
Pathmaker says
14 years ago
The reason to do keyword marketing is that you will get more people to your website.
Pathmaker says
14 years ago
Focus on targeting keywords if you want to be on Page One of Google. blog.pathmakermarketing....