Mistake Not...
46Friends 141Fans
male France
Mistake Not My Current State Of Joshing Gentle Peevishness For The Awesome And Terrible Majesty Of The Towering Seas Of Ire That Are Themselves The Mere Milquetoast Shallows Fringing My Vast Oceans of Wrath.
Mistake Not...
2 years ago
Monster Hunter 1 Concepts Are Fascinating
FUCK OFF. I'm stealing that goblin idea for my TTRPG world-building. I love it
Mistake Not...
2 years ago
Stupid goddamn Black Diablos... Go away while I kill your regular-coloured mate.
Mistake Not...
2 years ago
Feel... sadder now. Like the world just got a bit... Less.David Fletcher: Hanging up the Microphone | Tank Cha...
Mistake Not...
2 years ago 6
Tomorrow. Last work day of the year.
Mistake Not...
2 years ago
To buy time... that's a saying you humans have, don't you?.. To wit, I want to enquire, what currency do you think would work best? To buy more time? Whom would sell you theirs and what would be a measured exchange? What would you barter or trade?
Mistake Not...
2 years ago 1
Monster Hunter is the shit. I kept meaning to get into it so much earlier than World and Rise/Iceborne... But I never found the time or the console.
Mistake Not...
2 years ago 9
This is kinda why I can't respect Veganism as a Movement... apart from maybe a Bowel Movement.

Vegan Protesters Vs John Dutton | Yellowstone
Mistake Not...
2 years ago
Fucking work man... Work fucking man...
Mistake Not...
2 years ago
Melodysheep has been a staple of mine since the Pandemic hit, around Life Beyond 1.

THE SIGHTS OF SPACE: A Voyage to Spectacular Alien W...
Mistake Not...
2 years ago 5
I'm kinda invested in the characters now.