66Friends 101Fans
male Bathurst, Australia
4 years ago 4
Just checking in to say hi, how are y'all going? (wave)
6 years ago
I've been pwned, have you? Time to check passwords!
How sextortion scammers targeted a BBC reporter
6 years ago 5
G'day all. Sorry about the prolonged absence - have been dealing with health and other issues that life tends to throw at us at times. Hope all is well with everyone!
Allan is
6 years ago 2
h alf way home, with another day's driving ahead... (:
Allan is
6 years ago 6
in Adelaide, South Australia visiting the kids after wandering about in the bush for a while... SWMBO and I caught up with our youngest
6 years ago 8
Monday! Started with a -4°C frost and a migraine... looks like a good enough reason to start work later!
6 years ago 1
watching Australia and Ireland doing battle in Rugby Union... the Irish won the national anthem - the Aussie one sounds a bit too English!
6 years ago 12
Sort of puts a hole in weekend plans when one gets called in to work on Saturday... not complaining about the boost to the budget though..
6 years ago 6
Made it to the weekend... snow forecast!
6 years ago 4
Good evening (wave) Monday was a holiday here thanks to the Queen. We spent the day with family!