26Friends 13Fans
female Spokane, WA, United States
Oh! Loops started out as nothing more than an idea, a way for two stay at home moms, Sarah and Lydia, who had the same dream, the same vision, the friendship and strength to share their love of yarn with the world. This idea has now become a dream co
OhLoops says
11 years ago
Awesome thunderstorm last night. It kept me up until 2 a.m. https://images.plurk.com/Ct2g-7F0sk6hEfUkgtK4DewERlW.jpg
OhLoops says
11 years ago
Busy day ahead. Working on the Harry Potter KAL, reskeining yarn, and hopefully working on our camp loopy projects in our spare time. :-)
OhLoops says
11 years ago
Those who bring sunshine to others cannot keep it from themselves - James Matthew Berrie :-)
OhLoops says
11 years ago 1
We are having so much fun sitting everyone for our Harry potter KAL! Can't wait to mail everyone's letters.
OhLoops says
11 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/Ct2g-yNbBDuqtM4RXkxnu4L5VZ.jpg Good morning! We hope everyone has a wonderful day full of sunshine and flowers.
OhLoops is
11 years ago
getting lots of little things ordered for our Harry Potter KAL prize packages :-D
OhLoops says
11 years ago
We are so excited about all of the chatter surrounding our Harry Potter KAL! :-D
OhLoops says
11 years ago
Excited for the day. Mother-in-law is taking the kids so my hubby and I can go on a date. :-D
OhLoops says
11 years ago
This morning has come way to early for a Saturday. Here is to children that wake up at the crack of dawn of the weekend. (coffee)
OhLoops says
11 years ago
Finally getting some much needed kniting time. Kids are in bed and husband is playing poker. :-D