[ Alright guys, I'm going on a hiatus until Otakon is over with. Way too much crap going on around the house + school. ]
a happy birthday to Francis.
pretty bored and alone. Wonders why this feels like such a change from the usual?
he's going to try and spend a bit more time with Kumajiro. He feels like he's been neglecting him.
exhausted. Absolutely exhausted.
(( Just celebrated a good portion of Canada's birthday with France. We had fun. Pics will be posted soon. <3 ))
this week needs to slow down a bit.
(( I'm back from AnimeNEXT! I missed you, France. I cosplayed: Canada, France, Shinra Kishitani, Prussia, Chibi!Romano, and Teito Kasane. ))
[ Finished with this semester and off of school for two weeks. Happy days~. ]