13Friends 3Fans
male Oslo, Norway
Norge feels
13 years ago 3
like he should share his latest creation -3- :
Norge thinks
14 years ago
that this sites karma shouldn't decrease, just because I've been doing better things with my time.
14 years ago 3
It's been getting cold, recently. Time for coffee.
14 years ago
.... I should pay more attention to this website, shouldn't I?
Norge has
14 years ago 2
run out of ice cream. This is /definitely/ not a good thing and must be corrected at once.
Norge wonders
14 years ago 1
how his brother is doing these days. Also, I haven't heard from lambofthenorth for quite a while.
Norge shares
14 years ago
Muppet Show - Mahna Mahna Original hey, lionofthenorth, when did you record this?
Norge asks
14 years ago 13
sachertorte if his chocolate penny is still alive.
Norge wonders
14 years ago 6
why he signed up for this.