7Friends 15Fans
male Bellingham, WA, United States
Norbertrojsza has
15 years ago
finished the final studentwestern.blogspot....
Norbertrojsza has
15 years ago 2
fryed his brain trying to finish university, best to kick the dog while hes down that way you know hes dead and cant hurt you. UGH!!!!
Norbertrojsza has
15 years ago
just recovered from his fever, man close call
Norbertrojsza asks
15 years ago
hey low are you at nirvana yet?
Norbertrojsza is
15 years ago 2
Ready for finals week. Are you??!!!
Norbertrojsza shares
15 years ago
Vinyl Shakerz - One Night in Bangkok
Norbertrojsza thinks
15 years ago
that he misses class already
Norbertrojsza feels
15 years ago 2
like playing a joke on lets comment tony is amazing cuz he can put his fist down his throut to the middle of his elbow!
Norbertrojsza thinks
15 years ago
nanotext and you all rocked see you on the minthernet
Norbertrojsza likes
15 years ago 2
that my carma went up +6.00 the moment i added my student email and blogger page, sweet