3Friends 2Fans
I'm Anqi (:
14 & Single (:
Blog : Http://
Msn : [email protected]
NeglecteLuv says
14 years ago
seriously la. Weilin's not a laughing stock for you all to laugh can?
NeglecteLuv says
14 years ago
Morning , Boy i miss you (: You're still sleeping :'-(
NeglecteLuv says
14 years ago
just finish editing pictures :-D
NeglecteLuv says
14 years ago
Goodmorning :-D Just woke up :-D
NeglecteLuv says
14 years ago
and he squeeze that KAYA on my hand -'-
NeglecteLuv says
14 years ago
LOL ! Ryan squeeze out the cream thing and he says it looks like KAYA :-D
NeglecteLuv says
14 years ago
was so tired today:-( because walked for a few kilometers inside the stupid forest. D:
NeglecteLuv says
14 years ago
did reborn-ing yesterday . now no need comb hair also very neat ^^
NeglecteLuv says
14 years ago
Hello babies ~ Good morning (:
NeglecteLuv says
14 years ago
goodnights (: