oh, I'm confused ... just want to check, so as not to scorch
ol twitter aj lah.. ahihihii ada mpon-kun saia tercintah ε(◦'_'◦)з ♥〜
♪( ´θ`)ノ #sing# why this day is very annoying, I feel like killing people
but I'm afraid to go to jail〜 おおお〜
んなおお〜 This month a lot of strange things happen to me ˉωˉ)a, hopefully there are no adverse events ˇωˇ Amin〜
아아, Aku senang bisa kembali bercanda dengan My BEE~ (◕ω◕) おお〜 Hou Van je

mis je bee
ああ、 not excited today, want to lick ice cream (ˉω˚)∫ and eat a bar of chocolate.. いや、それはおいしいです ♥