286Friends 69Fans
Westbrook, ME, United States
Hi! I'm Naraelina Ordinary! I don't play SL anymore but I occasionally peak my head in to say hi!
ʚNara says
8 years ago 18
I need adulting advice guys. I start work this week finally but after doing some mayth, I've figured out that I barely have money for my first week of Uber rides there, but it's-
ʚNara says
8 years ago 11
I have an external harddrive that has a broken connection in the back... is there anyway to salvage all the stuff on it? It's basically 8 years of my life.
ʚNara says
8 years ago 4
Do people still hire people to do photos in Second Life? I need to earn a bit of extra cash in order to afford work clothes (Stupid khaki and polo shirts.) and thought I could do some photos in SL to help.
ʚNara says
8 years ago 7
Did I ever show you guys my completed Piper (Fallout 4) cosplay? I miss cosplaying so muuuuch
ʚNara says
8 years ago 9
Got my Lego stuff all filled out. I start working there in September and pay is bi-weekly. I'm so excited! Now to figure out how to buy my work uniform but also stretch my money for the next 4 weeks haha!
ʚNara says
8 years ago 7
I had a really good interview the other day and they said they really wanted me there and to expect to hear from them on Thursday but I haven't heard anythong. What should I do?
ʚNara says
8 years ago 3
Thank you for the good luck that y'all sent my way! Today was the best day I've had since I moved here! I am so happy. :-)
ʚNara says
8 years ago 9
If I could possibly get all the luck and thoughts sent my way today? I have a job interview finally and honestly if I don't get this job, then my attempt at starting a new life is gonna fail.
ʚNara says
8 years ago 5
I finally tried tim tams today! Pretty yummy.