37Friends 52Fans
female Philippines
All that matters is the face you show to the world. :-))
MINA says
15 years ago
(evil_grin) (headspin) (heart_beat) (ninja) (haha) (evilsmirk) (eyerolll)
MINA says
15 years ago 2
(applause) 8-) (gym) (heart) (devil) (lmao) (banana_cool) (banana_rock)
MINA says
15 years ago 1
(doh) (brokenheart) (drinking) (girlkiss) (rofl) (money) (rock) (nottalking) (party) (sleeping) (thinking) (applause)(bringit) (worship)
MINA says
15 years ago
B-) (cozy) (sick) (: (goodluck) (griltongue) (mmm) (hungry) (music) (tears) (tongue) (unsure) (highfive) (dance) (blush)
MINA says
15 years ago
:-)) :-) :-D (LOL) :-P (woot) ;-) :-o X-( :-( :'-( :-& (K) (angry) (annoyed) (wave)
MINA says
15 years ago 3
OKAYYYY. 82.00! :-) I'm freezing my Karma alreadyyyy. :-D Will update every few weeks. Hahaha. Bye, plurkloves! (wave)
MINA says
15 years ago 2
Hello. Update. Bye. (wave) (banana_cool) (banana_rock) (evil_grin) (headspin) (haha) (lmao) (evilsmirk) (heart_beat)
MINA says
15 years ago
Good afternoon. :-) (dance)
MINA says
15 years ago
twitter.com/minafaltique... Niiiiggghhhttt. (lmao)
MINA says
15 years ago 1
Hello, Goodniiight. :-D (wave)