217Friends 266Fans
male Manila, Philippines
game developer
martial artist
geek ;-)
MikeTien is
7 months ago 7 @Edit 7 months ago
back in the market~ been single for a year, open for ka-talking stage and fwb setup (LOL)
MikeTien feels
1 years ago 3
like he's adjusted to single life pretty seamlessly by now. the benefit of an amicable breakup, i guess. Time for self-improvement... And casual hookups lol
MikeTien is
4 years ago 3
back--because wala lang(p-rock)
5 years ago 1
May mga araw talaga na mapapa- putang ina ka nalang talaga 😂🤣😅 (ooxx) malas talaga ko
MikeTien feels
5 years ago 1
Overwhelmed. Is this early Mid-life Crisis on infinite earths? :-(
5 years ago
saw a popular cosplayer's mom in a mall in bulacan, with a well-built man who seems too old to be her nephew. They seem..."Together" :-P #chismax #gumoglorious
MikeTien feels
5 years ago
MikeTien is
7 years ago 1
pimping his friends LOL