23Friends 10Fans
female Marikina, Philippines
Windelyn Michelle E. Regodon
my friends call me Mitch or Mitchie
i'm 17 years old
I ♥ my family my friends and my boyfriend
and especially GOD ♥

Justin Bieber-One time lyrics
MieMieChinita25 says
14 years ago 2
14 years ago
karma dooown!
MieMieChinita25 shares
14 years ago
with my best bud! XIAN hehehe i miss my college friends :-))https://images.plurk.com/4959424_543f56807118e5c171f5a2bcbb8bd626.jpg
MieMieChinita25 says
14 years ago
Oohhww YEah... NO FAILING GRADES! aheheheh ang galing galing... ;-) thank GOD! :-)