196Friends 43Fans
female Second Life, WoW and the Moon!, Great Britain (UK)
Pretty much gone from SL right now... you need me? Get me on here :-)
SLer since 05! Been there, done that and bought the prim.

Total WoW head too!

Midnight says
6 years ago
Holy crap I haven't logged in since 2015! What's happening peeps!!!!
11 years ago 3
Good morning all :-)
11 years ago 17
So been away from SL (and plurk really) for just over a year now. Maybe it's time to come back!
11 years ago 5
OMG I haven't checked in for aaaaaaaaaaages!!!!!!! HAIIIIIIIIIIII everyone :-)
12 years ago 8
Haaaaaaiiiii lovelies! I miss you all... whats happening? :-)
12 years ago 13
Hai everyone! Dropping in to give you all massive squeezy cudges!
12 years ago 14
*tackle hugs everyone!* Hai all... thought I'd stop in and tell you all I miiisssssss yooooou!
12 years ago 11
HAI! Hope everyone's well and stuffs xx
12 years ago 13
Just thought I'd drop by and say hey to everyone! I miss you all so much xx
12 years ago 33
Hi all! Just wanted to say goodbye to all you lovely plurkies! This is gonna be my last plurk. SL lost it's interest so I have left the game