20Friends 2Fans
male New Orleans, LA, United States
MichaelHeike says
8 years ago 1
Still gassed after yesterday. Worn. Out.
Absolute madness THEN, requires more coffee TODAY. Then... more fun! lol (xmas4))
MichaelHeike says
8 years ago 1
I have zero Karma. But, I have over 100 juju beans. (dance_bzz).
8 years ago 1
I love that I can still have a bubbly, boyish teethy smile at Christmas. #stillakid :-D
9 years ago
I need a man purse.
MichaelHeike asks
10 years ago
what is the strangest SIM in Second Life?
MichaelHeike feels
10 years ago
stupid for not having gotten on Plurk before now... #noob