34Friends 24Fans
male Binghamton, NY, United States
Mgw189 says
15 years ago 2
I havent been on here in FOREVER......
Mgw189 says
16 years ago 4
Gah with all the recent adds I decided I better get back to plurking
Mgw189 says
16 years ago 4
Hmmmm Karma is at 0.00 I guess I need to fix that lol
Mgw189 says
16 years ago 3
He misses all his chat buddies like notmoira,rixiepixie, tamisgems and karin
Mgw189 says
16 years ago 7
Well football is over for right now. There is another game on tonight and two tomorrow night
Mgw189 thinks
16 years ago 6
he has really slacked off on his plurking
Mgw189 thinks
16 years ago 7
the school district is bull shit. They require the kids to have specific materials and then grade them on it. Some are basic things
Mgw189 says
16 years ago 3
my Karma is taking a poop due to work.... hmmmm maybe I should quit so I can keep my Karma (g_thinking)
Mgw189 says
16 years ago
I am declaring plurkruptcy.... 166 or so messages... and I am lazy
Mgw189 says
16 years ago 5 It was an interesting Night to say the least