It's been soooo long. I'm happy to see how pretty the site is and going strong. 💕
Finally got the relationship status updated on my profile. Evidently you have to *save* your changes. How ridiculous.
Now for that coffee. Strange how bouyant the smell makes me feel.
Hi, new plurk friends! : )
I can't tell if I'm getting sick, or I'm allergic to upgrading to Intrepid.
Meeting, then lunch with my mom. *Please, please, please don't let her choose some place with grease on the menu.* My stomach can't take it.
I think I love kefir better than yogurt. It makes for an awesome smoothie.
I second following
delmer. He's rad as hell.
Oh my GOD I forgot to make coffee. I must be losing my mind.
Good morning, plurkers. <3