12Friends 16Fans
female Secondlife, Republic of Linden, United States
Im a pretty friendly person, enjoy secondlife photography, breedables,spending time with my sl family. Most of my time & money is spent being a breedable-holic lol Iam looking to make new friends in world :-D
♦Mercedes♦ asks
11 years ago
Anyone know any good rock radio stations for land music??
♦Mercedes♦ is
11 years ago 1
Dissapointed in the treasure hunt at breedable fair. Lost half the gifts due to crashing and if u try to go back and click it again ur sol! X-(
♦Mercedes♦ hates
11 years ago
When people beg for linden after you've helped them out earlier! I'am not your personal piggy bank :-(
♦Mercedes♦ says
11 years ago
Happy Rez Day to me! 6yrs ago I stumbled onto sl.. Sl has defiantly spun my life around some bad but most good, Ty for being a part of my sl
♦Mercedes♦ says
11 years ago
Happy Mother's Day to all the awesome Mommies here!
♦Mercedes♦ is
11 years ago
BORED... https://images.plurk.com/Edhu-31gLNPU7jYeUyitVNTi03c.gif