今天是有史以來最shame on myself的一天
Life is like a mass pile of shit...
finally, send out the final student....ended this 9-hour teaching day.
preparing to teach is the biggest issue due to my bad memories.
it's hard to find sometime to be alone....
tagging u or not doesn't mean that they love u or not, but they can understand what u insist or declare. only half a year, that's pretty enough for u to be a shu dao.
sometimes, it's hard to get out to see if this is the proper.position for u to be. Being in a class is the most desired thing to be, but u r stepping in the midway of 3 years.
I m just exhausted, n can't tolerate from one of the colleagues.
Take a piece of proudly me back to acomplish me.
well, I am not "very welcomed" here, maybe they are just too busy. It's time to reopen another area at my school.