10Friends 12Fans
female Paradise City, MN, United States
I am a music lover of all kinds of music. Writing, snow, and photography is beast!!!! I love rollercoasters, Converse shoes, and snow. Especially SNOW!!! :-D Did I say that already? I love having a good time, and I laugh WAY TOO MUCH!!! LOL - see?
Meggatron says
13 years ago 4
if you haven't panicked with homework yet, NOWS THE TIME TO PANIC
Meggatron says
13 years ago
i need some soup!!! yummy...
Meggatron says
13 years ago 5
the tennis season is over... i feel sad... who went to practice this morning?? NOT ME...
Meggatron says
13 years ago
my cat is hogging the chair i'm sitting in...
Meggatron says
13 years ago 4
the world is mean
Meggatron feels
13 years ago 8
sick. my throat hurts and i've got homework to do... D:
Meggatron feels
13 years ago 1
sleepy... but doesnt feel like sleeping... XD
Meggatron says
13 years ago
i hafta pee super bad but i don't feel like getting up... too LAZY
Meggatron says
13 years ago
omg omg omg... HARRY POTTER PREVIEW... too freakin excited people, just about pissed my pants watchin it... omg omg OMG!!!!!!!!!
13 years ago
should be sleepin... but dont really feel like it