10Friends 12Fans
female Paradise City, MN, United States
I am a music lover of all kinds of music. Writing, snow, and photography is beast!!!! I love rollercoasters, Converse shoes, and snow. Especially SNOW!!! :-D Did I say that already? I love having a good time, and I laugh WAY TOO MUCH!!! LOL - see?
Meggatron says
13 years ago
meh... my neck hurts
Meggatron says
13 years ago
where is everybody now???
Meggatron says
13 years ago 6
WOOHOO! it's friday!!! *happy dance*
Meggatron is
13 years ago 2
not going to the dance... woohooo!!!! awesomeness pride XD
Meggatron wishes
13 years ago 2
we all could've screamed "THIS IS SPARTA!!!" like in 300 at the game...
Meggatron was
13 years ago 5
very satisfied wiff the homecoming game
Meggatron feels
13 years ago 6
sleepy but doesnt wanna go to bed yet... XD
Meggatron says
13 years ago 4
practically failed my history test... woohoo (sarcasm)
Meggatron says
13 years ago 3
homecoming game tonight!!!!!! wooohooo!!!
Meggatron says
13 years ago 5
adios chickas. time fer bed