45Friends 44Fans
female Cape Town, South Africa
I don't actually want to say more here. Enuff said elsewhere.
Thinking out Loud:
2 years ago
Anyone still here?
metaMeerkat wonders
9 years ago 1
if anyone is still around... have not been here in AGES!
metaMeerkat thinks
12 years ago
it says something if my karma here is 0:00 hehe
metaMeerkat has
13 years ago
just downloaded Plurk on BB but not so sure about it...
metaMeerkat thinks
13 years ago
it is too cold in Cape Town...
metaMeerkat is
13 years ago 5
not even visiting SL Birthday this year... that must say something... :/
metaMeerkat has
13 years ago
way too much to do in the week ahead... but glad to have discovered
metaMeerkat has
13 years ago
a meeroo now.. a reminder of our AI meerkats inSL :-)
metaMeerkat is
13 years ago
downloading the update to the SecondLife browser... a good thing? :-)
metaMeerkat feels
13 years ago
it was wonderful to be in SL for a few minutes today... and run into an old friend...