Lily εïз Mamsen
114Friends 23Fans
female FixedBit Estates, FixedBit Town, United States
Owner of;
FixedBit Innovations
FixedBit Tummy Talker
LilBits Orphanage
Spoiled Angels
Spoiled Brats

Husband : CoalEdge
Lily εïз Mamsen says
9 years ago
Good morning from Rascal... Wait... I want to snozzze more :-P
Lily εïз Mamsen says
9 years ago 1
Tired puppy <3
Lily εïз Mamsen shares
9 years ago 1
I tested the puppy in different tests and passed them all with flying colors we are picking him up on Wednesday, now it is the big struggle- naming him. Any suggestions?
Lily εïз Mamsen feels
9 years ago 6
I am so excited! tomorrow I will be looking at this cute boy to maybe buy. He is going to be my therapy dog for my anxiety and depression <3 Hopefully the parents are calm dogs.
Yorkshire Terrier valper med NKK reg.
Lily εïз Mamsen wonders
9 years ago
if anyone know a link to Trick and treat event signup of if anyone know it will be this year.
Lily εïз Mamsen says
9 years ago
Lily εïз Mamsen says
9 years ago
I am looking for a tomboy/girl/boy to model a shorts outfit for Spoiled Brats, TD baby or Kid, give Lilymadeleine resident a shout in world
Lily εïз Mamsen says
9 years ago
Guess I have had garden helper today lol
Lily εïз Mamsen says
9 years ago
She says hellos and good morning :-))