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female Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
MakAnjang is
15 years ago
thinking of suitable Chinese names for baby..ada nama Islam[pilihan hak bapanya], ada nama Cina[pilihan ibunya, hehe] :-D
MakAnjang feels
15 years ago
happy,the restaurant for Chinese New Year eve dinner has been booked.
MakAnjang wishes
15 years ago
somebody could give the original title of Latiff Mohidin's Malay poem'In the Midst of Hardship' used for Form4 English.Penatnya meng-google!
MakAnjang thinks
15 years ago
all Catholics in Malaysia, Chinese, Indians etc, MUST loudly proclaim "Kepercayaan kepada Allah" during praying. Will or won't they?
MakAnjang says
15 years ago
school reopens tomorrow.. aiyah, aiyah..6 classes to teach, 3 different levels
MakAnjang hopes
15 years ago
to visit Medan-Lake Toba after Xmas, insyaAllah.
MakAnjang thinks
15 years ago
AVATAR is a great movie- amazing cinematography, very creatively done,good storyline and a good message for human beings[do not be greedy]
MakAnjang says
15 years ago
insyaAllah will be in KL for several days, starting tomorrow
MakAnjang says
15 years ago
raya di rumah baru tahun ni.. fuhh, penat tapi seronok!
MakAnjang says
15 years ago
alhamdulillah dah selamat pindah rumah..cuti hari ni, kemas rumah, hehehee