\m/ Clouser
79Friends 22Fans
I am 99% oroginal & 1% cpoycat.

\m/ Clouser says
15 years ago
'Buhbye people. I'm deleting my Plurk.' (wave)
\m/ Clouser has
15 years ago
got to go now. Going to Twitter & then Tumblr. :-D
\m/ Clouser
15 years ago 3
can't wait for school to re-open. :-)) New school, here I come! :-D
\m/ Clouser feels
15 years ago
tired from yesterday's trip to JB. (:
\m/ Clouser is
15 years ago 2
here, at last.:-))
\m/ Clouser says
15 years ago 1
ouh, and fyi, estee's typing.
\m/ Clouser is
15 years ago
at Estee's house right now. messy. haha.
\m/ Clouser says
15 years ago
haluu! :-D
\m/ Clouser says
15 years ago
ops, i forgot how to freeze it. (annoyed)
\m/ Clouser says
15 years ago
she will no and uh, bye. :-)