28Friends 1Fans
Cary, IL, United States
AmandaMagick shares
4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
My very first post on reddit in over a year and I get some salty comment. You gotta love other SL bloggers sometimes. I must have done something right.
“I did. Turns out I REALLY did not have to.” YOU REALLY NEED TO CHECK THIS OUT IF YOU ARE IN SECO...
4 years ago
I am moving to England in 6 days so not blogging too much. However i did write up this little gem!!! An Interview in Second Life with Franks Jazz Club
AmandaMagick shares
5 years ago
An older blog I wrote that is still important right now and will be forever more. Dealing with Douchebags from Second Life
AmandaMagick shares
5 years ago
I am still new-ish to Plurk LOL
AmandaMagick shares
5 years ago
AmandaMagick shares
5 years ago 1
How do I find more SL people on here?
AmandaMagick shares
5 years ago
5 years ago
I wake up to 2 more mass shootings. Dayton and Chicago. Everyday now more. :-(