11Friends 20Fans
male Melbourne, Australia
hey i'm Daniel,i'm 18,i enjoy gaming,listening to music,watching movies,reading,watching anime,my dream job is to work as a game developer for a company like blizzard entertainment i will talk to anyone,i love to chat.
DarkBunny is
15 years ago
on msn and kinda bored O_O need more people to talk to
DarkBunny is
15 years ago 7
busily posting on anime forums:-)
DarkBunny wonders
15 years ago 2
if anyone missed me
15 years ago
returns to plurk after a long time hey all^^
DarkBunny is
16 years ago
listening to awesome music
DarkBunny is
16 years ago
watching NCIS^^
DarkBunny is
16 years ago 1
looking at courses to do this year otherwise dad will kill him if he doesn't find something to do this year XDD
DarkBunny is
16 years ago
bored of his mind and can't sleep:-(
DarkBunny wonders
16 years ago
will he ever find a girl that is like him honest,kind,loving,affectionate,evil in some respects,random,cuddly,lighthearted,sometimes crazy
DarkBunny asks
16 years ago
why life is so so strange and random