23Friends 45Fans
female Singapore
MabelChow is
15 years ago 1
not using plurk anymore. TWITTER for now :-D
MabelChow thinks
15 years ago
karma going to drop like crazy because she will be using twitter more often than plurk. :-)
MabelChow has
15 years ago
changed to classic one. haha! :-D
MabelChow has
15 years ago
changed her blogskin&tagboard. :-) do tag ya? :-)
MabelChow has
15 years ago 2
decided not to change to some other web. remain blogger though blogger still sucks! lols
MabelChow will
15 years ago
always love deardear no matter what happen (K)
MabelChow has
15 years ago
finished writing MME&CMO notes! :-D did memorized some points :-D WOOHOO! :-D
MabelChow is
15 years ago 1
having headache now. not studying tonight. going to slp now. tml shall continue... (sleeping)
MabelChow says
15 years ago 2
SAKAE session was great. hahaha. DAMN FULL. :-D
MabelChow says
15 years ago 2
going home soon! no theory lesson today :-D