427Friends 192Fans
female Hutchinson, KS, United States
Summer projects: gardening, reading, clutter busting, fun with friends, and buddy time with Gecko!
StayinCooLu says
9 years ago 2
as of the past few days....the front hall closet, which is small, has been cleaned out, pencil scribbles Magically Erased, repainted (thanks to the help of a friend) and ready for more practical use!!!
StayinCooLu says
9 years ago
oh, yes! The groundhog in PA will be up bright and early. I plan to sleep in and catch his results online later.
StayinCooLu says
9 years ago 5
the garage wall is painted, and new shelves are up! So, today, I found pencil scribbling in the hall closet. That tells you how often I clean out the closet!
StayinCooLu says
9 years ago 3
primer is going on the garage walls. The front porch looks like Sanford and Son moved to the Midwest, but STUFF is being sorted, and redirected!!!!!
StayinCooLu says
9 years ago 3
COTG Project update!!! The painters are here!!! ...working on repairing the wall and painting it! I found my old Kodak Instamatic camera from decades ago while clearing out the STUFF!!
StayinCooLu says
9 years ago 4
last Thursday, a week ago, when it was much warmer, a group of my friends decided to head out tonight for a social gathering. Now that the high today has been 29˚ and my knees are aching, wondering if it is...
StayinCooLu says
9 years ago 1
today is COTG Day #15!!!! The box tower is coming down!!! be reorganized on shelving...if we just HAVE to keep them for mailing glass!!! ;-) LEGOS are coming in for a wash. Pictures coming soon!!!
StayinCooLu says
9 years ago 1
Project COTG continues!!! Serious Day #14 was last Thursday. Son and I took things to storage after I had removed and swept out from under and shoved many things from right to left!!!
StayinCooLu says
9 years ago 4
at this point, I now have an extra week to get 1 and 1/3 garage walls and our hallway ready for repainting!!! Whew! This cold spell these next couple of days will mean getting little stuff done inside!!!
StayinCooLu is
9 years ago 5
wishing all of you a fun and safe night tonight! Happy New Year as January rushes in once again!