I destroyed my old Record of 64 Reps and set a new Record of 207 Reps (underhand style) with my Msnaile 50KG Power-Twister!!! Praise Yahweh who had made my Fore-Arms extremely strong! HalleluYah!
Monday's very good #PowerTwister Workout: 20+20+27+21+20 = #108Reps total (overhand style) using my #Msnaile 50KG PT. 30+30+35+30 = #125Reps total (underhand style) using my Msnaile 50KG Power-Twister.
Yesterday I took my Car to the Repair Shop (Lithgow Automotive) in Corcoran MN. I rolled all the way home in my Wheelchair! You (I) notice things more when NOT in a Car. I now know where Heritage Christian Academy is (Bass Lake Road and W Fish Lake Road) and there is a Dog Park just south of Fish Lake. The sidewalk on E Fish Lake Road is TERRIBLE
Cornhuskers win 40-7 Love my Football "Huskers"!
My thoughts on the race for President (USA)? > Let the best MAN win!
Today I was doing some "Heavy Shreading"! Not what you think, or maybe it is. (Paper)
So Kamala Harris want Tyrant Timmy the Covid-Mask Dictator as her VP! #TimWalz #TamponTim
Tuesday's Record Breaking #Powertwister Workout: 14+17record+14+11+11 = #67Reps total (underhand style) using my #Movemint #Elite "50"+3KG PT aka "The Bastard"! 19+19+19+19+19 = #95Reps total (overhand style) using my Msnaile 50KG PT. One set of #60Reps (half and half style) using my Msnaile 50 KG Power-Twister.
Damn glad that I am NOT like other people!
Joe Biden is a mean old man!