Montana <3 South Dakota <3
Don't be a Soy Boy! Vote Republican! #SoyBoys
Facebook will not be available on this browser starting October 28, 2024 > I guess I will be down to just ONE browser that will work with Facebook. #Palemoon only
Thursday's "almost all 18's" Outdoor Workout: 18+18+18+18+18+18+20+20+18+20+18+18 = #222Reps total of Hybrid Squats. 34+34 = #68Reps total of Cheater #pullups and 18 Laps around the Tennis Court in my Wheelchair.
Naughty Walter Gregory cut down my favorite Tree! What should his punishment be?
Who ever is calling me from 507-512-1757 please STOP calling me!
Wednesday's Outdoor Workout at Woodcrest Park. 12+14+14+14+14+16+15+15+15+15+15+14 = #183Reps of Hybrid #Squats and 34+34+34 = #102Reps of Cheater #Pullups
I already VOTED! It was a good day so I voted before I went to Woodcrest Park and did 17 sets there where I also saw THREE DEER! Strangely almost nobody at Woodcrest Park today.
Thursday's Record Smashing #PowerTwister Workout: I did one Record Smashing set of #147Reps (overhand style) with my #Msnaile 50KG PT. 7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7 = #70Reps total (underhand style) with my #Movemint #Elite "50"+3KG Power-Twister which I call "The Bastard".
At my Birthday Party with the Gregory's this year, I was able to do more Power-Twister Reps than Kevin Gregory. (my 60 Reps to Kevin's 45 Reps) Little old 5'4" me beat the 6'6" giant. It was a nice day at Elm Creek Park Resv, a little warm though. Kevin's kids are sure to someday Tower above me too. Jeremiah already does.