為什麼想要自閉? 我說 因為沒有人真的需要我 我找不到存在的理由 他們要的 不是真心 是functions
當我想要從世界被區隔 就會想要來到這裡 一個空盪 卻也不至於沒有人的地方 不需要熱鬧起來 因為 這就是我需要的狹窄
怕怕 今天 車禍的日子 前幾天被問起後 一直很難平靜 害怕...
究竟是誰和誰分手 我都要看不懂了 彷彿殘忍的是我 怪怪的
we're holding on to the pain because it's all we have left
you made that pretty clear when you declined to be conquered
sometimes, you wait for someone online all day, but when he or she truly shows up you don't have brave enough to chat with him or her
I thought his sight was not very well!! and did not notice I was looking at him. then I found this..what embarressed...
suddenly I found his eyesight is 2.0.. how awkward..when we're staring at each other....