2Friends 4Fans
LittleMissVal says
15 years ago 2
Must i be so upset everyday ? :-(
LittleMissVal says
15 years ago
I wanted to go shopping , but then , not in the mood anymore :-(
LittleMissVal says
15 years ago
You are a liar ! :-(
LittleMissVal says
15 years ago
I hate that feeling / :-(
LittleMissVal says
15 years ago
The sour sour , bitter bitter feeling is back :-(
LittleMissVal is
15 years ago
Very upset now . :-(
LittleMissVal says
15 years ago
Wad am i to you ? :-(
LittleMissVal says
15 years ago
You make me fallen deep down . :-(
LittleMissVal thinks
15 years ago
Will he know how i feel ? :-(
LittleMissVal says
15 years ago
I felt so empty without him :-(