Lisa Lemmon
9Friends 7Fans
female Germany
Lisa Lemmon
7 years ago
def also wondering if im ever gonna figure plurk out or stay a noob forever sorry for any typos i really cant see
Lisa Lemmon wonders
7 years ago
typing white on a white backround lol
Lisa Lemmon wonders
7 years ago
help i cant see what im typing
Lisa Lemmon wonders
13 years ago 2
what happens when all her Karma is gone? Do I win sumfin?
Lisa Lemmon was
13 years ago 2
obviously asleep yesterday onthe train...missed my stop and finally realized it 30 min later ....had to take another train back
Lisa Lemmon asks
13 years ago 3
why are people suddenly all "rawr" ing at voice places, they sound like dying cats....its really not sexy people.
Lisa Lemmon asks
13 years ago 5
how long should one wait to defriend people who never say anything
Lisa Lemmon wonders
13 years ago 6
if there is such a thing as being TOO honest
Lisa Lemmon
13 years ago 1
only asked if something died on his head...or if that was supposed to be hair
Lisa Lemmon wonders
13 years ago 6
why no one wants to dance with me *sob*