41Friends 6Fans
female Philippines
[ L I L Y ] 17/Femme

- simple
- childish
- sweet
- kind
- understanding
- snobbish, caring
- emotional..

- chocolates
- horror movie
- fairytales
- my family & friends..

LiLy says
15 years ago
good mornight. :-DD
LiLy is
15 years ago
- I am the author of my life. unfortunately I'm writing in pen and I can't erase my mistakes."
LiLy says
15 years ago
-- > i'm not the only one for him, but his the only one FOR ME.. :-)
15 years ago 2
someday you'll REGRET losing me.. ayeeh! (LOL)
LiLy says
15 years ago 1
good noon people.. :-)
LiLy feels
15 years ago
alone.. :-(
LiLy says
15 years ago
have a nice eve!
LiLy says
15 years ago 2
i'm so tired!
LiLy says
15 years ago
good am!
LiLy says
15 years ago
hello people :-D