having fun with JLS, takes the sting out of being laughed at.
wow...my feelings hurt in church. No surprise there. I know I'll get over it, but it was so unnecesary.
i am so GLAD dv training is over today. I only have 1 more training on SA on the 30th.
at a DV training w/2 men...1 of whom said Borat was good. Psych major.
GC says smackin a woman is different than beatin her. Mm, yummy.
even my mom is incredulous. GC says his film is transformational.
wonders if she'll meet Giancarlo @ the afterparty?
freaked out by giancarlo esposito. Seriously. His politics are not cool.
"yall are on some tertiary, exotic stuff!" tim wise on poc in the us-we're special interests. [cackle]
tim wise is speaking truth to power! What white folks deem important is The Test.