Murphy !
85Friends 96Fans
female Irvine, CA, United States
looking to find what it is that I want to be when (if) I grow up

I am not a scientist but I love science! Get to see some of the best stuff out there in my job.
Coming up on 2 years being a Gmama and want to check out home schooling options.... a
Murphy !
2 years ago 2
Long time.... the world is filled with crazy and I just found my old plurk acct.... hey y'all... hope you're all safe and healthy
Murphy ! shares
12 years ago 2
Murphy ! shares
12 years ago 8
I have to stop working so hard... and living more :-D
Murphy ! shares
13 years ago 8
It seems that sunny southern California has taken a vacation.... enter wet, soggy, cold and icky northern weather..... :'-(
Murphy ! shares
13 years ago 6
Murphy ! shares
13 years ago 11
The wife tells the husband.......... I want you to take me out to an expensive place tonight.
Murphy ! shares
13 years ago 5
Murphy ! shares
13 years ago 5 GOOD MORNING!!!
Murphy ! shares
13 years ago
Baby Laughing Hysterically at Ripping Paper (Original)(Laughter=good medicine)