i am going to do a tiny bit of venting that nobody has to interact with
my dad gave me a revelation last night.
apparently, you hearing people sing in the shower because the acoustics of the glass/tile make it sound better??
i have been quietly confused about this for Over A Decade. i was like "maybe they sing because of the water? the solitude? the nakedness??"
but NO. it's the SURROUNDINGS. the one variable i did not predict.
so he basically acted like it was a given that he was hiring me
I didn't even get to make my funny lil quip about being from New Jersey
so there's a two-week waiting period while they buy the stuff for my uniform, and then I come in and watch boring videos on food safety
and get paid for it
and then I start??
in other news i had to give my rabbit away today, possibly-permanently, and my mom got offended at me not wanting to be around her & help out very much, and i need to schedule some time in between my job interview in order to sob hysterically
not very medical but medical mentions
I got my blood drawn today and the lady did not recognize my GF sweater so we talked about the live action snow white instead, and she mentioned all the race swapping
and she leaned in and her voice got hushed and she said "even the Dark People disagree with them"
and I was fully on board to learn about the Dark People +
my therapist told me that i intellectualize my emotions and i am STRUGGLING not to take that as a compliment
gotta say. i gotta say. i just gotta-- look. guys.
i think positive mantras might actually work??

I am literally so funny