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The Library, United States
Hi, I'm a plurk that is all about learning new things in (usually) 12 comments or less. I'm a bit flaky, but every few days I try to do something new.

Add me for interesting facts, private plurk me for suggestions on what you'd like to learn.
12 years ago 2
"The Slo Mo Guys" use high speed cameras to show stunts hundreds of times slower than realtime. Exploding Lighters in Slow Motion - The Slow Mo GuysExploding Lighters in Slow Motion - The Slow Mo Guys
13 years ago 6
Richard Ross follows lives of kids who are incarcerated, some as young as 7 years old.
13 years ago 6
Orthoepy [awr-thoh-uh-pee, awr-thoh-ep-ee] is the study of correct pronunciation. pro-NUN-see-A-shun, not pro-NOUN-see-A-shun.
13 years ago 7
Pseudofolliculitus barbae, or PFB, is an uncomfortable cluster of papules & pustules found on shaved skin. PFB: commonly called razor burn.
13 years ago 11
i1.trekearth.com/photos/... The Taj Mahal is a memorial to Mumtaz Mahal, the favorite wife of Emperor of the Mogul Empire, Shah Jahan.
13 years ago 7
Gerontologists study the physical, mental, and social aspects of aging. Studies show that as you age, you’re less likely to be angry.
13 years ago 3
Hiatus comes from the Latin "hiare" for "to gape open".
13 years ago 5
Christening a ship with a bottle of champagne is a popular ceremony amongst sailors.
13 years ago 12
Fast Fat Facts Part 3: Trans Fats - The evil fats! Raises bad cholesterol, lowers the good, and more naughty things!
13 years ago 6
Fast Fat Facts Part 2: Saturated Fats. These are the fats to moderate by cutting down on red meat, animal fat and whole fat dairy products.