Cyborg Watson
4Friends 17Fans
female Sacramento, CA, United States
I write stuff. I read stuff. And there isn't anything I can't jerk.
Cyborg Watson
11 years ago 4
I just learned that Yeti: A Gay Love Story is a film that has been made.
Cyborg Watson
11 years ago
I want to work on nonsense. Forcing myself to finish my anthology short story instead
Cyborg Watson
11 years ago 2
Really news? I'm supposed to believe military budget cuts are a bad thing?
Cyborg Watson
11 years ago 2
Must. Finish. Brothel scene...
Cyborg Watson
11 years ago
I should probably catch up on Bleach at some point.
Cyborg Watson
12 years ago 17
The pirate's life is getting hard
Cyborg Watson
12 years ago
Guys, how do I coquette?
Cyborg Watson
12 years ago 1
I feel that going to bed with a bottle of wine and nerd movies is not a life choice I am going to regret.
Cyborg Watson
12 years ago
Should probably go to bed. My nephew doesn't actually need me to be functional, right?
Cyborg Watson
12 years ago 5
Merry Christmas