1Friends 104Fans
male Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
We harness the power of social networking and blast your thoughts, muses, complaints, frustrations, gloats, rhymes and other flavorful compounds all over the internet.
LaughingJoy says
12 years ago
For a day, just for one day, Talk about that which disturbs no one. And bring some peace into my Beautiful eyes.
LaughingJoy says
12 years ago
Be a positive role model to my children, friends, family etc. Be a source of inspiration to people who look up to me.
LaughingJoy says
12 years ago
If I am creating myself all the time, then it is never too late to begin creating...
LaughingJoy says
12 years ago
I want my life to be a magnificent story, begin by realizing that I'm the author and everyday I have the opportunity to write a new page.
LaughingJoy says
12 years ago
Sit, be still, and listen, because I am drunk and we're at the edge of the roof.
LaughingJoy says
12 years ago
Happiness is a habit – cultivate it. Happiness is one aspiration all people share. No one wants to be sad and depressed.
LaughingJoy says
12 years ago
A mind is like a bird. It goes where it likes. The results one gets is for the company he keeps.
LaughingJoy says
12 years ago
In order to achieve success I need direction, discipline and perseverance. No one can do it all alone, it’s OK to risk asking for help.
LaughingJoy says
12 years ago
Show persistence in all my endeavours because it’s one of the keys to happiness.
LaughingJoy says
12 years ago
Live joyfully, Without desires.